query('SELECT thread, msgid, author FROM rss ORDER BY msgid DESC, thread DESC LIMIT 100;');
if (! $sqlres) {
return false;
header('content-type: application/rss+xml');
echo '' . "\n";
echo '
' . $STR[$LANG]['latestentry'] . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($lastauthor) . ', ' . htmlspecialchars(data_dluga($lastupdate)) . "
\n"; echo "\n"; } function sprawdz_captcha($CAPARR) { //echo "\n"; switch ($CAPARR['capid']) { case 1: if (($CAPARR['c1']) && (!$CAPARR['c2']) && (!$CAPARR['c3'])) return(true); break; case 2: if ((!$CAPARR['c1']) && ($CAPARR['c2']) && (!$CAPARR['c3'])) return(true); break; case 3: if ((!$CAPARR['c1']) && (!$CAPARR['c2']) && ($CAPARR['c3'])) return(true); break; case 4: if (($CAPARR['c1']) && (!$CAPARR['c2']) && ($CAPARR['c3'])) return(true); break; case 5: if ((!$CAPARR['c1']) && ($CAPARR['c2']) && ($CAPARR['c3'])) return(true); break; } return(false); } // zwraca akcję na podstawie globalnych POST lub GET function getvar_action() { if (!empty($_POST['action'])) return $_POST['action']; if (!empty($_GET['action'])) return $_GET['action']; return(''); } function getvar_thread() { if (!empty($_POST['thread'])) return intval($_POST['thread']); if (!empty($_GET['thread'])) return intval($_GET['thread']); return(-1); } function getvar_archiveyear() { if (!empty($_POST['arch'])) return intval($_POST['arch']); if (!empty($_GET['arch'])) return intval($_GET['arch']); return(-1); } // funkcja która zapisuje nowe wiadomości function mateuszbb_preprocess() { global $TRIP_SALT; global $DATADIR; global $NICE_URLS; global $ERRSTR; // zmienna zawierająca komunikat błędu (jeśli jakiś wystąpił) global $STR; global $LANG; global $MAXDAILYPOSTS; global $EDIT_ALLOWED_MINUTES; $action = getvar_action(); $thread = getvar_thread(); $archiveyear = getvar_archiveyear(); // negotiate language, unless forced by configuration if (empty($LANG)) { $LANG = 'en'; // preselect english as default language foreach (getpreflang() as $l) { if (!empty($STR[$l])) { $LANG = $l; break; } } } else { // if language forced by configuration then make sure it is supported if (empty($STR[$LANG])) $LANG = 'en'; // fall back to 'en' on error } // write access: check how many messages the user posted during last 24h if (($action === 'createthread') || ($action === 'newpost')) { $db = new SQLite3($DATADIR . 'mateuszbb.sqlite3'); if ($db) { $db->exec('DELETE FROM ip_msg_counters24h WHERE msgid < strftime(\'%s\', \'now\') - 24*3600;'); $count24h = intval($db->querySingle("SELECT count(*) FROM ip_msg_counters24h WHERE ipaddr = '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}'")); $db->close(); if ($count24h >= $MAXDAILYPOSTS) { $ERRSTR = "BŁĄD: Z TWOJEGO ADRESU NAPISANO JUŻ {$count24h} WIADOMOŚCI W PRZECIĄGU OSTATNICH 24H. SPRÓBUJ PONOWNIE ZA JAKIŚ CZAS."; $action = ''; } } } // edit post becomes newpost, it was different just to avoid 24h counters if ($action === 'editpost') $action = 'newpost'; // new thread creation (+switch to read thread) if ($action === 'createthread') { // captcha check if (!sprawdz_captcha($_POST)) { echo "BŁĄD: NIEPRAWIDŁOWE CAPTCHA
\n"; goto DONE; } // $thread = time(); if (empty($_POST['username']) || (empty($_POST['msg'])) || (empty($_POST['title']))) { echo 'BŁĄD: pusty nick, wiadomość lub tytuł
' . "\n"; goto DONE; } if (!mkdir($DATADIR . 'threads/' . $thread, 0755, true)) { echo 'BŁĄD: nie zdołano utworzyć wątku nr ' . $thread . "
\n"; goto DONE; } // zapisz tytuł file_put_contents($DATADIR . 'threads/' . $thread . '/title.txt', trim($_POST['title'])); // ustaw co trzeba żeby zapisać wiadomość $action = 'newpost'; } // nowy post do istniejącego wątku if (($action === 'newpost') && ($thread >= 0) && (!empty($_POST['msg'])) && (!empty($_POST['username']))) { // is it really about a NEW post or about EDITING an existing one? if (empty($_POST['postid'])) { $postid = time(); } else { // editing an existing post $msg = loadmsg($_POST['thread'], $_POST['postid']); if (!is_art_edition_allowed($_POST['postid'], $msg)) { $action = ''; $ERRSTR = "NOT ALLOWED"; goto DONE; } $postid = $_POST['postid']; } if (!sprawdz_captcha($_POST)) { $ERRSTR = "BŁĄD: NIEPRAWIDŁOWE CAPTCHA"; goto DONE; } // nadpisz lastauthor i lastupdate $lastupdate = array('lastupdate' => $postid, 'lastauthor' => trim($_POST['username'])); file_put_contents($DATADIR . 'threads/' . $thread . '/lastupdate', serialize($lastupdate)); // oblicz tripkod, jeśli hasło zostało ustawione $tripsig = ''; if (!empty(trim($_POST['password']))) { $tripsig = hash('whirlpool', trim($_POST['username']) . '#' . trim($_POST['password']) . $TRIP_SALT); } // wygeneruj klucz do edycji postu i prześlij go przeglądarce przez ciasteczko (chyba że przeglądarka już ma klucz) if (!empty($EDIT_ALLOWED_MINUTES)) { if (!empty($_COOKIE['mateuszbbkey'])) { $artkey = $_COOKIE['mateuszbbkey']; } else { $artkey = bin2hex(random_bytes(128)); setcookie('mateuszbbkey', $artkey, array('secure' => true, 'httponly' => true, 'samesite' => 'Lax')); } } // zapisz wiadomość $msg = array('author' => trim($_POST['username']), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'trip' => $tripsig, 'msg' => trim($_POST['msg']), 'key' => password_hash($artkey, PASSWORD_DEFAULT)); file_put_contents($DATADIR . 'threads/' . $thread . '/' . $postid, serialize($msg)); // zaktualizuj metadane dot. ostatniego wpisu, ostatniego autora i ilości wpisów dla tego IP w ciągu ostatniej godziny, ale tylko dla nowych wpisów (nie dla edycji) if (empty($_POST['postid'])) { $db = new SQLite3($DATADIR . 'mateuszbb.sqlite3'); if ($db) { $db->exec('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS newest (thread INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, lastupdate INTEGER NOT NULL, lastauthor TEXT NOT NULL);'); $db->exec('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS lastupdated ON newest (lastupdate);'); $db->exec('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ip_msg_counters24h (threadid INTEGER NOT NULL, msgid INTEGER NOT NULL, ipaddr TEXT NOT NULL);'); $db->exec('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rss (thread INTEGER NOT NULL, msgid INTEGER NOT NULL, author TEXT NOT NULL);'); $db->exec('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS rss_msgid ON rss (msgid);'); $login_escaped = $db->escapeString(trim($_POST['username'])); $db->exec("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO newest (thread, lastupdate, lastauthor) VALUES ({$thread}, {$postid}, '{$login_escaped}');"); $db->exec("INSERT INTO rss (thread, msgid, author) VALUES ({$thread}, {$postid}, '{$login_escaped}');"); $db->exec("INSERT INTO ip_msg_counters24h (threadid, msgid, ipaddr) VALUES ({$thread}, {$postid}, '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}');"); $db->close(); } else { echo "SQL ERROR WHILE WRITING STATS\n"; } } // przekieruj if ($NICE_URLS) { $newurl = "{$thread}#{$postid}"; } else { $newurl = selfurl("thread={$thread}") . "#{$postid}"; } header("Location: {$newurl}"); echo "KLIKNIJ TUTAJ\n"; exit(); } DONE: } function mateuszbb_tytulwatku($id) { global $DATADIR; return file_get_contents($DATADIR . 'threads/' . $id . '/title.txt'); } // returns an array of last n threads with most recent activity that had activity // in last maxinact days. returns false on error or empty set. // the returned result, when not false, is an array of arrays, where each // leaf array represents one thread function mateuszbb_getactivethreads($n, $maxinact = -1) { global $DATADIR; $result = array(); $db = new SQLite3($DATADIR . 'mateuszbb.sqlite3', SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY); if (! $db) return(false); $minupdatedate = 0; if ($maxinact >= 0) $minupdatedate = time() - (intval($maxinact) * 86400); $sqlquery = 'SELECT thread, lastupdate, lastauthor FROM newest WHERE lastupdate > ' . $minupdatedate . ' ORDER BY lastupdate DESC LIMIT ' . intval($n) . ';'; $sqlres = $db->query($sqlquery); if (! $sqlres) { $db->close(); return(false); } // kopiuj wpisy do nowej tablicy while ($row = $sqlres->fetchArray()) { $result[] = $row; } $db->close(); return($result); } // returns true if post can be edited by current user function is_art_edition_allowed($timestamp, $msg) { global $EDIT_ALLOWED_MINUTES; if ($EDIT_ALLOWED_MINUTES >= 0) { if (((time() - $timestamp) / 60) >= $EDIT_ALLOWED_MINUTES) return(false); // only posts from last x minutes can be edited } if (empty($_COOKIE['mateuszbbkey'])) return(false); if (empty($msg['key'])) return(false); return(password_verify($_COOKIE['mateuszbbkey'], $msg['key'])); } function loadmsg($threadid, $postid) { global $DATADIR; $fname = $DATADIR . 'threads/' . $threadid . '/' . $postid; if (!file_exists($fname)) return(false); return(unserialize(file_get_contents($fname))); } // wyświetlanie UI itd function mateuszbb_start() { global $TRIP_SALT; global $ERRSTR; global $DATADIR; global $INITYEAR; global $LANG; global $STR; global $NICE_URLS; global $SEARCH_API_URL; global $TZ; global $LOCK_DELAY; global $MAINPAGE_MAXTHREADS; global $MAINPAGE_MAXINACT; // read global variables $action = getvar_action(); $thread = getvar_thread(); $archiveyear = getvar_archiveyear(); // ustaw strefę czasową, jeśli jakaś jest skonfigurowana if (!empty($TZ)) date_default_timezone_set($TZ); // wyświetl błąd, jeśli jakiś wystąpił w mateuszbb_preprocess() if (!empty($ERRSTR)) { echo "{$ERRSTR}
\n"; $action = ''; echo '' . "\n"; goto DONE; } // szukanie if (isset($_POST['szukaj']) && (!empty(trim($_POST['szukaj'])))) { $q = trim($_POST['szukaj']); $query = $SEARCH_API_URL . urlencode($q); echo '' . $STR[$LANG]['searchterm'] . ' ' . htmlentities($q) . '
'; $results = file_get_contents($query); $resarr = json_decode($results, true)['items']; $licznik = 0; foreach ($resarr as $r) { if (mb_substr($r['link'], -1) === '/') continue; echo ''; echo "{$r['htmlSnippet']}
" . $STR[$LANG]['noresults'] . "
\n"; goto DONE; } // edit post if ($action === 'editpostform') { $msg = loadmsg($_POST['thread'], $_POST['post']); if (is_art_edition_allowed($_POST['post'], $msg)) { formularz(intval($_POST['thread']), intval($_POST['post']), $msg); } else { echo "Link expired
\n"; } GOTO DONE; } // new thread form if ($action === 'newthread') { echo 'NO ENTRIES FOUND
"; } else { foreach ($lista_watkow as $row) { $title = mateuszbb_tytulwatku($row['thread']); if (empty($title)) { echo "\n"; continue; } wyswietl_watek_w_liscie($row['thread'], $title, $row['lastauthor'], $row['lastupdate']); } } echo '' . $STR[$LANG]['locked'] . "
\n"; // wyświetl listę postów foreach ($posty as $p) { $msg = loadmsg($thread, $p); echo '$1', $bodyprocessed); echo '
' . $STR[$LANG]['locked'] . "
\n"; } else { formularz($thread); } goto DONE; } DONE: } ?>